OT Upper Limb Assessment
9 Hole Peg Test
Occupational Therapists at Neuro Junction can assist to improve our patients upper limb function after a stroke. Occupational Therapists conduct upper limb assessments to determine current abilities and provide interventions to restore and maintain function. Neuro Junctions OT’s can identify barriers, teach compensatory skills, provide safety education on upper limb care and sensory input to improve our patients awareness on their affected side. Functional retraining can support independence and safety with activities daily living.
Upper limb assessments help to measure finger, hand and gross manual dexterity and enable therapists to demonstrate change over time and highlight areas that require intervention.
These assessments may include:
Hand Dynamometer Test
9 Hole Peg Test - assesses finger dexterity
Sensory assessments
Box and Block Test - assesses unilateral gross manual dexterity
Upper Limb Motor Assessment Scale for Stroke (MAS)
Grip Strength Dynamometer Test
Functional Independence Measure (FIM)
Functional Dexterity Test
Occupational Therapists may also arrange provision of assistive technology to facilitate function in order to perform tasks and participate in activities.
For more information on how we can help please refer to the links below:
Neuro Junction - Occupational Therapy
Functional Dexterity Test