Rehabilitation Therapists


Upper Limb Therapy

Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists at Neuro Junction can provide upper limb therapy to increase our clients UL range of motion, functional mobility, strength, independence and provide retraining in activities in the home and community setting. Therapists at Neuro Junction can assist to improve our patients upper limb function through identifying barriers, and providing training and/or

Occupational Therapists may provide adaptive aids to enable safe participation in activities of daily living such as:

  • Self care tasks - bathing, showering oral hygiene and toileting

  • Clothing care and dressing

  • Community and functional mobility

  • Feeding, eating and swallowing

  • Return to work and hobbies that involve upper limb use

  • Rest and sleep

For more information on how we can help please refer to the following links:

Occupational Therapy - Neuro Junction